SiS Newsletter - March 2012 - I. L.: José Lezcano


The University of Castilla-La Mancha José Lezcano

When was the last time you have been to Spain?
The last time I went to Spain before the December 2011 Eduespaña trip was in July of 2011. I was in Barcelona for the International Festival of Latin American Song, a program founded and continued by Colombia-born soprano and musicologist Patricia Caicedo. I serve as guitarist at the festival, accompanying singers and performing a solo recital.

What do you enjoy most about Spain?
I believe what I enjoy most about Spain are its people. Also, I have long been a deep admirer of Spanish culture, not just music, although a large portion of my repertory as a concert classical guitarist is Spanish music by composers such as Rodrigo, Torroba, Turina, Falla, etc. And I love Spanish cities like Madrid and Barcelona for their energy, crowds, food, excellent public transportaion, and nightlife. The Spanish countryside is also beautiful with its olive groves and castles in the distance.

What do you think are the advantages of Spain as a destination for American students?
I think that my students in the music program, particularly, would benefit from a Spanish study away experience. To hear Spanish music at the source, to learn from teachers who have grew up and live in Spain. And students in the course that I wish to offer, which is tentatively titled Spanish Music, Society, and Culture, will benefit greatly from an on-site course.

Could you describe the Study Abroad programs your university has with Spain?
Currently, programs that I know of are language immersion study-away courses in Sevilla and Salamanca. But students have studied in other Spanish cities, I know.

How satisfied are, in general, American students going/studying in Spain?
I have never heard any complaints from American students who have gone to study in Spain. Of course, mature students know and expect that the food, customs, accomodations, and creature comforts will be different (not better or worse) than they are in the United States.


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