SiS Newsletter - March 2012 - SIS S. A.: Danielle Boucher


Study in Spain will be traveling throughout the US again this academic yearDanielle Boucher

My fascination with Spanish culture began as a young teen while reading book about a road trip to Sevilla. I loved everything I read about, from the tiny, winding streets to the everlasting sunshine. My interest furthered during high school when my family hosted an exchange student from Valencia. His descriptions of his modern yet historical city enthralled me.

Several years later, after much indecision, I decided to study Spanish at the University of Kentucky. To further my knowledge of Spanish language and culture, I spent the last academic year living in Sevilla with a Spanish family. Studying Spanish and going to Spain were two of the best decisions I have ever made. I will always greatly cherish my time there, from the tiny winding streets and sunny afternoons by the river, to the full splendor of Semana Santa and la Feria de Abril.

When I returned to the States and learned of the student ambassador position, I realized it would be a great opportunity to share my experiences abroad. As Student Ambassador in Kentucky, I have participated in a variety of events promoting Spanish culture. My favorite was the Cena Española when we cooked and ate empanadillas de atún, croquettas de espinacas, tortilla española, and arroz con leche —all recipes I had learned from my Spanish host mother. The Study in Spain ambassadorship has provided me the perfect opportunity to share and continue devoloping my passion for Spanish culture.



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