SiS Newsletter - I. P.: Univ. of Granada


Francis Ford CoppolaUniversity of Granada, University Modern Language Centre

The University Modern Language Centre, Centro de Lenguas Modernas, located in the central and typically "granadino" district of the "Realejo", is housed in the old palace of Santa Cruz (16th century) which has been specially restored for teaching purposes. Since restoration was completed in 1992, the new Centro de Lenguas Modernas offers not only its now renowned Spanish Courses for Foreigners (Hispanic Studies Course (CEH), Spanish Language and Culture Course (CLCE), Intensive Spanish Language Courses (CILE), Intensive Spanish Language and Culture Course (CILYC), Spanish as Foreign Language Course (CELE) and Optional January Course (CCE)) but also a variety of Modern Language Courses (English, French, Italian, German, Catalan, Arabic, Japanese, Portuguese, Russian and Swedish). It is the combination of the two that make the centre such an original venture; here foreign students can share their daily lives with those of Spanish students, thus stimulating a mutual interest in their different languages and cultures. This contact is strengthened through a language exchange service, which gives students the opportunity to practice their Spanish outside the classroom, and by cultural visits and activities.

In addition to the aforementioned courses, the Centro de Lenguas Modernas also offers courses in Teaching Spanish, German, French, English or Italian as a Foreign Language, exams for those who wish to certify their level of Spanish (D.E.L.E. - Diploma in Spanish as a Foreign language - organised by the Instituto Cervantes). Teaching Business Spanish and other types of language courses for special purposes, including those specially designed in conjunction with different academic and professional institutions are also available.

The Centro de Lenguas Modernas and the University de Granada do their best to make the students' stay as pleasant and advantageous as possible: the Language Exchange Service, the Accommodation Service, and organisation of cultural and sports activities are just a few examples.

On the academic side, the highly qualified teaching staff are specialised in language teaching, and include University of Granada professors and lecturers. The Centre is fully equipped with a library, the most up-to-date audio-visual aids both in classrooms and in language laboratories set up for multimedia and audio-video activities. Furthermore, students have access to electronic mail. 
With a firm commitment to constant improvement always in mind, the Centre carries out external surveys periodically, which assess the teaching staff, the contents of the different courses offered, and the quality of the Centre’s management and infrastructure.
If you want to study Spanish in Granada, the Centro de Lenguas Modernas now offers its clients new services to facilitate and simplify the organisation of the students' stay in Granada, their studies at our institution and the cultural and sports activities they would like to sign up for. A member of staff is available to resolve any questions about the program a student has registered for and clear up any doubts which may arise.

For more information:
Placeta del Hospicio Viejo s/n
18009 Granada. Granada
Tel +34 958 215 660 Fax +34 958 220 844
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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