Growth of Hispanic-Serving School Districts in U.S. show the future of HSIs
The latest data from the 2015-16 school year compiled by the Hispanic Association of Colleges and Universities show increasing Hispanic student enrollment in school districts nationwide, increases which are dramatically changing higher education demographics and leading to a continued expansion of Hispanic-Serving Institutions in the future.
Hispanic students accounted for 25% of all K-12 students in 2016, up from 16% in 2000.
Earlier this year, data released showed an additional 20 colleges and universities meeting the Hispanic-Serving Institution enrollment criterion, bringing the total number of HSIs in the 2016-17 academic year to 492. The number of Emerging HSIs, or colleges and universities approaching the 25 percent Hispanic student enrollment threshold, added 10 institutions to total 333 EHSIs.
HACU has released an additional fact sheet to provide essential data on school districts it terms Hispanic-Serving School Districts, those with 25 percent or more Hispanic student enrollment.
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