SiS Newsletter - January 2011 - Survey


The Department of Cultural Industries of the Trade Commission of Spain in Miami has made a survey of American college students who studied in Spain in which they expressed their views on the quality of one-semester educational programs in Spain.

The main goal of this survey is to get information on the level of satisfaction expressed by American international students who chose Spain as their study abroad destination.

A total of 179 surveys were collected, of which 92 have been completed. This is an example that, both in number and by their responses,  represents all American students that received part of their education in Spain during a period similar to a quarter or semester.

As most significant data of the study, is that 80% of respondents were women and 90% are between 19 and 23. For 80% studying in Spain was their first experience to study abroad.  According to quality on educational programs, the data shows that between 70% to 80% of respondents perceive colleges and their facilities as good or very good, which is an important and positive information to place Spain among the preferred destinations for American students.

Actually, Spain is the third study abroad destination for American students. 24,169 American students of all levels of education moved to Spain to do some kind of educational exchange in the 2008-2009 academic year. (Source: Opendoors).


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