Studying in Spain - Equivalence with ECTS

Equivalence of the numeric grade according to the Spanish scale of 10 corresponds to the following ECTS grades:

  • 9,6-10 MH Matrícula de Honor = A (EXCELLENT).
  • 9,0-10,0 SB Sobresaliente = B (VERY GOOD).
  • 7,0 - 8,9 NOTABLE (NT).
  • 7,0-8,9 NT Notable = C (GOOD).
  • 6,0-6,9 AP Aprobado = D (SATISFACTORY).
  • 5,0-5,9 AP Aprobado = E (SUFFICIENT).
  • 3,0-4,9 SS Suspenso = F (FAIL).
  • 0-3,0 SS Suspenso = FX (FAIL).

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