Peoria Public Library expands services for Hispanic visitors
The Peoria Public Library, like many agencies, businesses and nonprofits, is looking for ways to extend its reach to the Hispanic Community. This weekend, the library is hosting its first event specifically aimed at bringing more Latino visitors through its doors. The event will have live music, food and library card registration.
The main branch on Monroe St. is adjacent to a Methodist church that’s known for its Latino ministry. That’s why library programming coordinator Karla Wilkinson sought ideas from a Spanish-speaking minister. But Wilkinson says when she approached him, the minister said he had only set foot inside the library once - briefly. He left because he couldn’t find books in Spanish.“I’d heard that same story several times, that ‘we came in, we didn’t know what to do, so we just left,’" Wilkinson said. "And so, this event, I hope will get people comfortable with coming in the library but also get them independent.”
Wilkinson says 12 people have volunteered to help translate and welcome guests.
“This is something that people want to see, and something that we can provide. It’s not hard, it doesn’t take much that much resource from us to provide this for this community,” Wilkinson said.
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